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Costa Rica 

Costa Rica is the most visited country in Central America, with around 25% of the tourism market share. Americans represent about 40% of all tourists.


Food and Drink

Why Costa Rica?

Costa Rica is a country with a stable economy and a favorable business environment, making it a potentially attractive destination for investment. It has a well-educated workforce, good infrastructure, and a strategic location in Central America. Additionally, Costa Rica has a reputation for being a sustainable and environmentally friendly country, which may appeal to investors interested in socially responsible investments.



Costa Rica participates in the Central American Common Market (CACM) and has free trade agreements in force with the European Union, Canada, China, the United States, Peru, Singapore, and Panama.

The World Economic Forum ranked Costa Rica as the first Latin American country in innovation, the sophistication of the production process, the availability of engineers and the quality of researchers.

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